Just like the 7 Wonders of World define uniqueness and serene beauty  to the Planet Earth these Guys can make your World OUT OF THIS WORLD.  That’s right Girls this is Your time to find the Right Guy & the Loving Guy. Also Boys it is your commitment to gain knowledge of Your strengths and weaknesses by going through the Characteristics of below Categories of Guys and finding out to which category You belong or You have a tendency. 

So here are the 7 Guys who will bring Wonders to a Girl’s Life.

Type 01 : The Nice Guy

One can say A Bold start and another can say A Stupid start because Nice Guy is branded as someone who is unable to make the Girl, his Girl. Innocent Girls might fall for Bad Guys but The Adventurous, The Motherly, The Prom Queen & The ACE of All The Keeper all fall mostly for The Nice Guy. It is proven over and over, although there are hardly any Movies relating to those Love Stories. Nevertheless Boys, if you are a Nice Guy don’t think that Every Girl falls for Bad Boys but there are Countless Girls waiting for You yet won’t tell you afraid of you won’t reciprocate those feelings as You aren’t a Guy who is so open like Bad Boys.  Girls, if you are into a Nice Guy your heart has done a great Job.

Nice Guy will do everything for you. He will open the door, close the door, pick you up at anytime,  feed you every-time you asked and kiss you goodnight.

Strengths :

  • He’s nice and gentle, and he always treats you kindly
  • He will run to You whenever You needed him
  • He’ll look after You with utmost care (such like without hearting a single petal and diligently watering and caring a flower)  
  • He does everything you want, and he makes you feel like a Queen
  • He’ll never do something You dislike and will never break Your heart

Weaknesses :

  • He becomes tentative when taking serious Decisions
  • Worse, his friends take advantage out of him

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • He will willingly sacrifice everything for you, even it is at his inconvenience

Type 02 : Daddy Cool

No, this isn’t your next Daddy, So don’t panic. Daddy Cool is someone who has a similar complexion to Your Dad when it’s come to caring and protecting You. Dad type boyfriends might restrict you or may force laws upon you, but Daddy Cool isn’t that type. He is someone who possess the Cool personality which most Dads have. He’ll always try to make you feel comfortable. In society he may be less-talkative or socially detached person but if something comes in your way he’ll be an impenetrable  solid wall. He’ll stand up for You whatever the cost. He becomes furious or lose his cool only when someone do a bad thing for You.

Strengths :

  • He makes you feel so secured that you’ll be at ease and have the peace of mind when you are with him
  • Nobody will dare to lay a finger on you, if he’s there
  • He cherishes you dearly and will shower you with love  
  • There’s hardly any racy feelings you might find from him 
  • He’s honest and faithful to you

Weaknesses :

  • You might feel like awkward when dating him as he’ll remind you of Your Dad, though he isn’t
  • You might feel it’s very hard to consummate(have sexual intercourse) at the beginning due to the unsorted emotions
  • Your friends and fear him and Your parents will have a hard time getting along with him 

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • He’s your best friend
  • He’ll be your wings and make you able to fly where ever you want (Not a Red Bull but someone who’s likely a God, who’s like him can give you wings)

Type 03 : Mr. Perfect

Mr. Perfect is Perfect in many areas. He’s someone who graduated from a respectable and famous University with a GPA higher than 3.5 (How can I be so pinpoint in details ?  Pin pointing to the exact detail is something only Perfect Guys can do, Ha Ha ) Mostly owns a Business or in Top hierarchy  of a Company’s Director board. He has both health and wealth. He’s very hard to resist and You’ll love to have children who resembles his traits and competence. If You found someone like him, love him and cherish him as you’ll receive those feelings in a multiplied way. His stature  scares the girls to  approach him.

Strengths :

  • He’s handsome, attractive and caring
  • He’s perfect in every field he engages with and you have less worries
  • He’s sexually very appealing and has a body that girls crave
  • You rarely need anyone if you have him
  • He never breaks his promises and he’s very loyal

Weaknesses :

  • You’ll develop a sense of useless or be constantly reminded of your imperfections when you’re with him due to his perfection  
  • Slightly possesses traits of both Mr. Pride and Mr. Narcissist
  • There’ll be a huge competition to you as not only strangers but also your friends might try to steal him from You
  • He shines like the brightest sun where ever he goes, and sometimes such a blaze can hurt You  

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • He upholds his principles with much respect and respect people who have their own principles  
  • Sometimes you may be forced to leave his side feeling that you are only a hindrance to him and not any source of help (Girls if you ever feel like this don’t leave, just talk to him because he’s a great adviser and a supporter who can make you reach beyond your limits)
  • Whether he shows it or not he’s very happy with you and loves even your mistakes and imperfections 

Type 04 : Master Innocent

Master Innocent ? Isn’t he the Nice Guy ? NO ! There are some similarities between Nice Guy and Innocent Guy, but they are completely different just like Ms. Feminine and Ms. Innocent in Girls Category. Master Innocent will make Motherly, Possessive, Adventurous and Prom Queens fall for him immediately. That’s how much of a charm his innocence is. He doesn’t scold anyone and he doesn’t get angry but tries to figure out things systematically.  He has a cute smile. He is sensitive and can be heart-broken easily if you aren’t careful. He lacks the initiative.

Strengths :

  • He’s a fair Guy with a kind and gentle personality
  • He’ll never get in to fight with you
  • He’s a good listener and understands people very well
  • He forgive people for their wrongdoings or mistakes
  • His affection and loyalty is very different from all the other personalities and it is very unique 

Weaknesses :

  • He almost never stands up for himself  
  • He can be easily manipulated
  • He lacks leadership and decision making ability (He tries to satisfy everyone) 
  • You’ll feel like babysitting 

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • He’s so innocent when bullies or strangers try to take advantage of him, even the girls will rush towards him to protect and stand up for him  
  • You’ll feel like knocking out people who ever tires to do a bad thing to him. You loses your temper pretty easily when he’s involved 
  • There’s less kissing and touching and you’ll have to take the initiative steps even in those circumstances

Type 05 : Cold King

Don’t mistake Cold King for a Bad Boy or an Emotionless Guy. Cold King is someone who suppresses emotions in order to be distant from the society or as a Defence Mechanism. Bad Boy is someone who constantly see Girls, flirts with them and engage with them socially while Cold Guy is some who has detached himself from engaging with people specially with Girls. There is a clear difference. Girls, Cold King isn’t someone who is cruel or brutal, he has locked his heart away and turned blind eye to the love but if you are the person to melt that coldness in his heart You have hit the Jackpot ! Behind that cold heart is something which is very warm which overflows with love and affection. 

Strengths :

  • He’s a Handsome and Hot !
  • He’ll stand up on behalf of you to anyone
  • He’s caring, loving and loyal
  • He has the potential to save you in most distresses 
  • You don’t need to worry about the number of Girls who try to hook him up because his heart is only warm and open to You

Weaknesses :

  • If you piss him off, get ready to feel the sheer Coldness
  • It’s really hard for your friends and family to get along with him because he is warm only to you
  • He doesn’t pay much attention to traditions and conventions  

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • The Most contradicting and misunderstood Character  
  • Inside that Ice Block prevails a Volcano that erupts with Love (Evident only if you be able to break that ice) 

Type 06 : Prince Charming

If you have watched even a single Disney Princess’s movie you’ll know what type of person Prince Charming is. Most people think he is just a fictional character but actually he is not, he is a real Category but the difference is He is also someone who has flaws. In movie it only shows his heroism not how princesses keep up with him in their day today life. Prince Charming is a dependable guy, a guy who always comes to the rescue of a beautiful gal.  Prince Charming is very skillful in Aesthetics.  

Strengths :

  • He’s truly charming and gentle 
  • He’ll show up to help you every-time when you are in a trouble
  • He’s loved and respected by others
  • He’ll treat you like a Princess/Queen

Weaknesses :

  • He is not so manly
  • He doesn’t understand or doesn’t pay much attention to middle/low class people (excluding yourself)
  • He is sometimes clumsy in Household chores   

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • His words are persuasive and can be enchanting
  • He wants to hide his darkness at very best and scared of ever coming those to limelight

Type 07 : Almighty ACE / Keeper

Almighty ACE is the Best of all Characters. He has a combination of above Guys. He is Handsome, Well-mannered, Gentleman Type & Loyal. He is not the Perfect but he is very high in value. He cares for you and loves you so much. He is very considerate of you and to your beloveds. He has a good IQ and EQ. He is the Guy that every girl yearns for, so better take care of yours before someone steal him from You.  

Strengths :

  • He’s Handsome & HOT ! 
  • He’s matured and has his act together
  • He prioritize you and puts you first
  • He’ll be your greatest Supporter and best Adviser
  • He even remembers the smallest and insignificant (you might consider) things in you
  • He’s happy when you’re happy and when you’re sad he’s there to cheer you up

Weaknesses :

  • There’s no choice and you can’t even help yourself but to Fall in Love with him 

Exclusive Characteristics :

  • He’s not the top notch in every aspect but he’s the Best combination of all Guys
  • Just like in fairy tales, with him you can spend the rest of your life Happily Ever After 

WARNING : These Type of Guys and their Characteristics are based on the opinions given by experience of People. This article is written for the sole purpose of helping the community and no other intension is intended. 

So which Type of Guy attracts Your mind or You have ? 
Your Ideas on this Topic is warmly welcomed as it will be a bigger help to the entire Community.