Cheating is a lowlife act regardless of the party it was done by. However in our society there is a norm that people consider the act of Woman cheating on a Man much more disgusting than the act of Man cheating on a Woman. For any claim there must be valid reasons or facts that support claim itself or otherwise it becomes null and void.
So this time I looked in to this norm as to why the society looks differently on those two actions, and following are my deduce result with reasoning.
In society we don’t give Women the same position but we give a higher position or a respect and it is a habit we developed since our childhood days. The very first Woman most of us met was our mother, who has become our guardian Angel for the rest of our life. Later if you have sisters they also become pillars of a Man’s life regardless of their age. Disregarding the social position of a Man (be it a Criminal/ Professional/ Doctor/ Judge/ or President) everyman has utmost respect to their Mother followed by sisters. This factor is known by every Man and Woman and it is the pathway to the development of this norm.
Since everyman feel above way, in Man’s mind he see Women as respectable people than himself. A Man may be strong, powerful person but when it comes to responsibility, maturity he knows that Woman is the ACE and he learns that from his mother. Hence without realization Man expect responsibility and maturity in actions of Women.
Cheating is something so irresponsible, back-stabbing action and neither Man nor the Society expect that kind of a low-life act from a Woman who is a very respected figure in society. On the other hand be it done by a Man (it is still outrageous) but someone might say “Oh I knew he was capable of such a low-life act”, ” Poor girl”, rather than they point fingers at Man or try to brand him as a cheater they would try to help the Girl/Woman who became so heart-broken and bewildered. If it is done by a Woman, rather than paying attention to the heart-broken Man people will angrily scold the Girl/Woman and label and brand her as a cheater/bitch…. Society becomes very angry when a so respectable figure perform such an outrages act as they never expect that kind of thing from her. Also they feel such act from a girl is cleansing the purity and reputation of the stature Woman (Often remind the Society their Mothers)
So be it a Man or Woman anyone would be furious with you if you are a girl who cheated on your boy than being mad on a boy who cheated on a girl. Both Men and Women see Women as the Most Loyal in a relationship and if you one step away from cleansing that it’s gonna be bit tough for you.
Various groups or Individuals can claim or cite that it very unfair but it is how this Society look and how this cycle works. With great things comes great responsibilities.
This was my understanding of the issue and reasoning I deduce from facts if you have a better understanding or reasoning by all-means Please share with Us, we are a community who consider each and every member as a Family. We want everyone to lead their relationships and love lives in a less distress way.